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Friday, January 3, 2014

Nasus in the Jungle

As a nasus jungle player sometimes I suggest that you should never gank. No matter how many kills Ashe is feeding botlane you just focus on stacks. But that is just me and this is Meteos' opinion on how to play him. Link to the Guide

GankPlank in the Jungle

At this point i'm obsessed with Pants Are Dragons' guides and he just updated a Gankplank jungle one today. I think it's kind of trolly because your ganks are kind of trash and your opponents know where you are if you E. But if you guys want to do it have some help while you are going to Lol.Gankplank Jungle guide

Rengar In the Jungle

Here is a quick Rengar in the jungle guide by a Diamond player

Vi in the Jungle

Just like the Elise one this is by the one and only Meteos. Nothing left to say just enjoy the guide.

Zac In the Jungle

I don't really like Zac in the jungle in the current meta because of his lack of sustain. Although he can still be played in the jungle and has a great late game it's hard getting to late game as Zac. Here is a guide by the one and only pants are dragons. A challenger NA player Link to the Guide

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Elise in the Jungle

I can't pass this up. This Elise guide is by the one and only Top tier challenger LCS MVP player, Meteos. This guide helped me go 11/3 as Elise and i'm positive it will help you guys too. Meteos Elise Guide

Xin Zhao jungle guide

This man who wrote this guy has been maining Xin Zhao jungle since he was level 20. I did a bit of research on this guy and found out he is only Silver. But the way he wrote his guide makes him seem like a plat player which proves he has a lot of experience with Xin. Here is the guide link and Ill let you guys be the judge of whether he sounds Silver. The Link

Evelynn in the Jungle

I am going to be completely honest with you guys in saying that my champion pool is very small. I've played like 3 games as Evelynn and fed in all of them. Also someone requested this so I picked out the best guide for Evelynn I could find. So here is an Evelynn jungle guide by the one and only pants are dragon Link
Tell me if you learn anything

Aatrox in the jungle

I don't play Aatrox too much so I am not going to be posting a guide on him. Instead I found a High Quality guide for him that I am willing to share with you guys it's by pants are dragons who is a Challenger player from NA so you can expect this to be well-written Here it is

Amumu in the Jungle

For Amumu I found a very good guide by WolfML who is very thorough in this guide. I suggest that you all take a look at it and tell me what you think.
Here is the link

I will make my own amumu guide as well.


Amumu's job is to be this tank that goes in the middle of the team and deals damage and punishes people when you attack them. But his downfall is that he rely's so much on mana to do anything. So for your first item you should start machete and 5 pots and start blue buff. After that turn it into a spirit of the ancient golem and build your next item based on their team comp. If you need mres rush a spirit visage and if you need armor get a ninja tabi and/or a sunfire cape. After that I suggest a rylais to stick onto an opponent with your W and a frozen heart for the extra mana because after all you are a mana hungry champion.

Skill Order:

I start with W as amumu and max E first. followed by W. and finally Q.

Masteries: 9/21/0

Hecarim in the Jungle

For this I found a few cool guides by High Elo players that you guys might like I will post them here. They will be from and other great guide sites to assure that you get high quality guides. (Don't worry they will not be from mobafire as those guides are low quality and for bronze players)

Guide 1: Here is a guide by pants are dragons who is a challenger player! that was updated one week ago as of January 2nd 2014 Here is the Link to the guide and it is very high quality just by taking a skim at it.

I will try to find another HQ guide or ill make one myself for hecarim.

Kha'Zix in the Jungle

Alright for Kha'Zix I am going to be writing this guide.


In my opinion Kha'Zix is kind of risky to be playing because you always have to build him damage no matter what. I mean you could build him tanky but that would not work that well because he doesn't have any ability to use for peeling (Darius Pull, Garen Spin2win, Chogath's rupture, etc)

So I would start off dorans blade and a potion. Finish blue smite it and go back immediatly. Buy a few potions and run to red. Take Red take wraiths and look for a lane to gank. Also I would suggest evolving wings first because you can jump over wards with it's huge range which is very nice. All I can suggest is to build spirit of the elder lizard, brutalizer, Last Whisper, Black Cleaver, Ravenous Hydra and and other item followed by a GA.

Masteries: I run 21/9/0 because that is the best on Kha'zix as the 9 in defence allows you not to die in one basic attack and the 21 in offence to have a lot o damage.

Skill Order: Pretty self explanatory. Max Q then W then E and Evolve E then Q then R.

Udyr In The Jungle

Now this guide is taken from a Platinum 1 Player named Jahn from Guide Link


Start machete 4 pots and a ward. End with trinity force, ninja tabi, spirit of the ancient golem, frozen heart, banshees veil and a sunfire cape.

Masteries: 0/9/21

Runes: Attack Speed, Armor, CDR, MRES, Movement speed.

Skill Order: Max Pheonix then Turtle then Bear then Tiger.

Lee Sin in the Jungle

What To Build:

Alright for Lee Sin you want to start off either hunters machete + 5 pots or dorans blade + 1 pot. If you go with choice #2 then I highly suggest that you go back immediately after you finish red buff or blue buff and buy a couple of potions and maybe a ward then go back to your next buff. After that you should take a look at your team and your score. If you are 0/1/1 and your team is fairly squishy start building tank items and go full tank. If you are 3/0/1 and your team is kinda tanky I suggest you build bruiser. And if you are completely fed and your team is tanky then build full damage. Everything that you can buy for Lee Sin is pretty situational.

Skill Order:

Lets remember that Lee Sin a super versatile champion but I usually like to max E first when im in the jungle for the extra wave clear damage and the slow for when you go gank. After that I max my W for sustain or if I am doing well I max my Q for the damage.

How to Gank:

You should look to gank lanes that are pushed and try to kick them back away from their tower. There you can easily finish them. Also I should mention that your Q's are your gank. If you miss them you are wasting your time but if you hit your Q's that's free gold for you and your team.

About me

Hello everyone. My summoner name is DualOwned and I am a Gold player from the NA that mains jungle, top and mid. Here I will be posting champion guides for these 3 roles but for now I will be focusing on Jungle. The champions I main for jungle are Lee Sin, Udyr and Kha'Zix so expect a lot of high quality guides for those 3. For Mid Lane I main Kennen, Katarina and Lee Sin. Finally for top lane I main Kennen, Darius or of course Lee Sin.